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Introductory home page


Our public record background.

A letter from our Research Director.

History of our organization.

Our current news events and media coverage.

What people are saying about Grimstone Inc.

Information on some of our events.

How far Grimstone is willing to travel to serve you.

What equipment we have at our disposal.

Paramap - National Paranormal Demographics Database.


Types of services available to you.

One of Grimstone's core competencies.

How we might help your own paranormal research.

Schedule a Grimstone Workshop.


Fun and exciting paranormal related merchandise.

Spooky Grimstone merchandise.

Contact Us

General contact information and Email directory of members.

Request an investigation directly online!

How you can become a member of Grimstone Inc.!

Make a Donation

How you can help the paranormal community.

The Gazette

Leading e-newsletter for the paranormal community.


How to add Grimstone to your website.

Paranormal directories and organization listings.


Member's only section.

Client Gateway

Client access portal for reports.


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Grimstone Inc.(TM) is a tradename owned by Christopher Bailey in use with Grimstone Inc. Paranormal Investigators. 1999-2025.